Aloha & E Komo Mai

O'ahu Fresh is a subscription based service. Our members have access to the freshest food that O'ahu has to offer!
BECOME A MEMBERChoose Your Subscription
How it Works
1. Sign Up
By signing up you become a member with access to our full marketplace of produce, baked goods, pantry items and much more!
2. Choose
Choose a subscription plan to begin your membership. Once you have a produce bag subscription, you can then add other items to your order!
3. Receive
You can either have your order delivered directly to you or you can choose to pickup at various locations around O`ahu.
Why Choose Us
More About Us
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How We Source

O`ahu Fresh is a network of local family farms and producers making the freshest food available for you and your ohana.

Give the gift of O`ahu's finest foods to family & friends.
Gift a Bagfollow our Instagram @oahufresh